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Performance Tips

The Number One Reason People Say They Stall

Why are people reluctant to make decisions even when presented with clear solutions by an advisor?

Our research shows the number one reason is they lack confidence that they are talking with the right advisor or doing the right thing.

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The Power of Empathy in These Uncertain Times

As market volatility and inflation continue to be on the mind of people, emotional security has become increasingly important. Research by organizations such as Reuters, Vanguard, PwC, and The U.S. Luxury Institute, confirms that 80% of the value that clients and prospects receive is based on the emotional support they receive partially defined as the empathy we demonstrate.

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Times are tough- but here is what we know for sure

It is difficult that we find ourselves so “distant “from many of the people and things we enjoy. It seems hard to believe spring is in full bloom and yet our country and the world is not able to enjoy it as we are so used to doing. Yet, let us reflect on what we know.

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Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
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Two-Time International Best-Selling Author


Richard Weylman, Inc.
PO Box 510970
Punta Gorda, FL 33951-0970

(941) 828-3600