Reflecting over the holidays and coaching many teams last year around growth and roles and responsibilities, it occurred to me that what is often missing is the mission each role plays in business. When your mission is clear, your role becomes far more satisfying each time you deliver it.
In sales, it is to open relationships and communicate the outcomes that buyers rightly deserve and will achieve by doing business with you.
In marketing, it is to position and then promote, in the language of the buyer, the value your products and organization deliver.
In administration and support, it is to create systems to be effective and efficient, enabling you to exceed expectations at every touchpoint.
In training and education, it is to help people know exactly how to do (not just what to do) the things needed to be successful.
In recruiting, it is to open relationships with candidates and communicate the value of the opportunity and the support provided.
In leadership, it is to help all of us achieve extraordinary things.
To help you make 2025 a year of “Well done —mission accomplished.”