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What Do People Want Besides Good Value?

In today’s competitive and commoditized environment, people’s expectations and behaviors have changed.

As an example, our studies show that 1 in 3 clients/prospects will decide not to complete a purchase or will leave a “brand” permanently after just one unpleasant experience.

With social media as a tool, 87% of people share good (and bad) experiences with others, and like it or not, they become linked to your “brand.”

And even those who say or appear to be “satisfied” can be loyalty-neutral, as evidenced by so many people currently changing their provider.

Here is what people say they are looking for from you, regardless of your product or services.

They seek the consistent delivery of personalized, humanized interactions and thoughtful moments that result in invaluable, lasting impressions.

Specifically, they seek to do business with those who demonstrate thoughtfulness, kindness, caring, and empathy for them and their situation.

Consequently, your full commitment to personalize and humanize every touchpoint is now the most critical piece of client acquisition and retention.


Personalized and humanized actions create rock-solid relationships.

And that relationship is the critical link between acquisition and loyalty.

Action point: To learn easy ways to improve your interactions and your business, check out my latest book https://richardweylman.com/100provenways/ (Rated by Amazon readers as #1 New Release in Marketing and Consumer Behavior, and #1 in Customer Relations.)

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Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Customer Experience Hall of Fame
Two-Time International Best-Selling Author


Richard Weylman, Inc.
PO Box 510970
Punta Gorda, FL 33951-0970

(941) 828-3600